For people you support:
Dosh helps people with a learning disability manage their money
Carers go free & discounted:
They provide free access for the carer and also an essential companion card to make it quicker and easier to get access
Merlin is the card you can purchase annually for theme park access e.g. Alton Towers and other attractions e.g. Legoland. You can get a carer pass for free when the person buys their annual pass
CEA allow people with a disability to purchase an annual card for £6. This then allows the carer to get free access to the cinema with them
This provides details of over 200 days out across the UK that are accessible for people with disabilities
Provides details of places where carers can go free including English Heritage and a number of festivals
A site that shows a number of discounts for carers
Under One Roof accessible raves where carers can go free