Can you make a positive difference to people in Bury?
Can you help?
Day support
Ian lives in Unsworth and is looking for a male carer to go out and do things with (number of sessions to be confirmed).
Ian mainly uses Makaton and PECS to communicate; he loves horses, going to the gym and the pub and going for a coffee. He's also interested in the emergency services
Jakob has autism and a learning disability; he's looking for support to reconnect with his Jewish faith (number of sessions to be confirmed).
Jakob chooses not to use speech; he shows his understanding using sound. He enjoys bowling and going to the cinema and the park.
John is a 55 year old man who lives in Prestwich, who has a learning disability (2 sessions - 4 hours per week).
John would like support to be out and about, he enjoys using public transport, doing art classes and going for coffee and cake.
Annie is a 24 year old woman living in Bury; she's looking for 2 sessions per week with a female carer, preferrably a driver.
Annie has a diagnosis of Global Development Delay. She'd like to be out and about, going to the hairdresser, having her nails done, shopping for jewellery and socialising. She can be very shy with new people and may benefit from a few sessions getting to know her carer in the family home at first.
Rob is a 57 year old man who lives in Bury who's looking for 2 sessions (4 hours) per week with a male carer.
Rob is visually impaired and would like support to get out and about, go to the supermarket, manage his letters and correspondence and checking his food at home is still in date.
Short stay (respite)
Alan is a 54 year old man who lives in Bury and has a learning disability.
Alan needs a carer who can do personal care and who is willing to take time to build a good bond with him so he will eventually feel more comfortable in their home for respite.
Sarah is a 43 year old woman who lives in Radcliffe; she has a learning disability.
Sarah enjoys baking, going to the cinema, visiting donkeys and going shopping. She particularly enjoys watching films with sharks, dinosaurs and spiders in.
Long term
Daniel is a 22 year old man who's looking for a full time placement in Bury.
He needs a carer who can be firm but warm and can support him to continue in building his independence; he would like to make some simple meals and expand on making beans on toast. He has started doing some independent travelling which he would like to expand on. Enjoys attending his day centre, going trampolining, loves Elvis and Buddy Holly songs.
If you'd like to find out more about supporting any of these people, get in touch
and if you know someone perfect, please share this with them*.
*& if you work for Persona, don't forget to Refer a Friend!
Interested? Want to know more?
If you live in Bury, call us on 0161 253 7211 or complete this short form and someone will get back to you for a chat.
Come and say hello to Shared Lives at The Green!
Our monthly drop-in sessions are open to everyone from 11am to 3pm; people we support, Shared Lives carers and anyone who'd like to know more about the scheme.
They are your opportunity to
- come and see what Shared Lives is all about
- ask a question about Shared Lives, what we do & how we could support you
- find out what being a Shared Lives carer involves & how to get started
Click here for all the dates.
If you have any questions, please use the contact form link above to get in touch.
Find out more about being a carer with Bury Shared Lives here including frequently asked questions.
Watch all our Bury Shared Lives videos here to find out what our carers and the people who use the scheme think of it, or read more of their stories here.
We reserve the right to close this vacancy early if we receive sufficient applications for the role. Therefore, if you are interested, please submit your application as early as possible.