Do you want to join us to help support people to live their best lives?
Do you want to spend time enriching the lives of others?
Have you got a talent that brings joy to those around you?
Do you want to use your spare time to help someone live their best life?
Here at Persona, that is what we do! The people we support have a range of needs and our support is tailored to what matters most to them. Alongside with our tailored, professional care and support, we hope to further improve people's quality of life through providing meaningful opportunities to develop skills, relationships and connections with the wider Bury community.
People volunteer for many reasons; to: ‘give something back’ or help others in their community; to meet new people, try something new or develop new skills.
Volunteers can be any age from any background. They might be studying, working full or part time, looking for work or unable to work. They might be seeking asylum, retired or given time off to volunteer by their employers.
Whatever the reason, volunteering can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing, build strength in communities and bring people from different backgrounds together.
We believe that volunteering can really enhance the support that we provide as it's an opportunity for people we support to have meaningful and fulfilling contact with a wide range of people with different skills and experiences. We are also passionate about ensuring that our volunteers get something positive and meaningful out of their experience and we will take the time to understand the reasons behind your volunteering so that we can ensure we enable you to achieve your goals during your time with us.
We recognise that people have really busy lives, so any time that someone can offer is valuable to us. It may be that you are only looking to volunteer for a small amount of time each week or for a short period of time. We will do our best to work with what you are able to offer and match you to a suitable volunteer opportunity.
Take a look below at some of our volunteering opportunities and also read about some of our volunteers and their experiences of volunteering at Persona.
If you want to know more about volunteering, click here to view some frequently asked questions.
And if you want to volunteer with us, click here to apply and a member of the team will give you a call back.