We choose people to work with us by focussing on what is really needed to deliver good support. We don’t just consider skills and experience, we also look at someone’s attitude and values, their ability to be caring and compassionate and their hobbies and interests.
We're a member of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter and we've won employment awards from the charter. You can read more about our inclusive recruitment approach here.
We enable support that makes a positive impact and everything we do every day is to make this possible for people we support.
Our Values are the principles by which we behave towards everyone around us including people we support, colleagues, carers, family members and other professionals.
We use all of this information when making recruitment decisions and when matching people we support to staff members. Our recruitment processes include verifying employment history as well as doing Disclosure and Barring Scheme (DBS) checks.
We ensure that people who work for us are supported well and are given the skills and knowledge to do their job through a comprehensive induction programme. For frontline staff this follows the requirements laid out in the Care Certificate.
Our workforce are trained in a range of disciplines; moving and handling, safeguarding, medication, food hygiene, health and safety, infection control and first aid are provided as standard. This training is provided to ensure that people are supported using safe techniques and practices. Beyond safety, we provide staff with the opportunity to undertake the relevant vocational qualifications at the right level. We also provide specialist training on a number of topics including specific long term conditions, dementia and behavioural support. We believe that investing in induction and regular training is key to providing quality support.