Bolton Road Walks 5k in April
For World Autism Acceptance Week, Bolton Road has organised 4 walks to raise money for the National Autistic Society.
Click here for a printable poster.
With the goal to walk 5k in April, we've split this up into 4 different walks that are 1.25k each.
The first 4 Wednesdays in April we will be meeting to walk around Clarence Park.
The walk starts at 11am outside The Green Community Café so please be there a few minutes early.
The walk will finish when you do! We want everyone to enjoy doing the walks so you can take as long as you need.
Important information:
- Sponsor sheets will be available in each of our Learning Disability Day Services - just ask a member of staff for one.
- There might be mud or rain - wear clothes that will keep you warm and dry.
- Wear comfortable shoes.
On Wednesday 30th April, we will hold a presentation at The Green Community Café to congratulate everyone who completed the 5k with a certificate and medal.
No need to book, just turn up!
This event is open to everyone in our Learning Disability Day Service and their friends and family.
Across our Learning Disability Day Services, we've got lots of different events planned for Autism Acceptance Week, such as a Bake Sale at Elton Community Centre and a Bake Sale at The Elms Community Centre so be sure to check them out for more fundraising oportunities!
Got a question about the event? Fill in the below contact form and we'll get back to you: