Last month we held a celebration event for our third cohort of Kickstarters whose time on their job placements had come to an end.
Tina loves poetry so much that she regularly shares it with people who go to Grundy Hub. And now she's sharing it with you too! We hope you enjoy it.
Persona's Annual General Meeting - videos from our services and our annual report brochure for 2021.
Developing a new location specifically designed to support people living with dementia.
If you or someone you care for are looking for somewhere safe and caring for a short-term stay, Elmhurst could be just the place.
We talk to Debbie and Mo about Persona's new Menopause Cafe; the newest addition to our wellbeing offer.
Staff and customers from Queensberry had a grand day out at Blackpool.
This International Youth Day, find out how the Kickstart Scheme has been going at Persona with our first group of Kickstarters.