
World Mindfulness Day

World Mindfulness Day

12 September 2023

Our gift to you, on World Mindfulness Day, a poster with lots of our favourite ideas to keep us in the moment.

Meet Richard - The Elms Gardening Volunteer

Meet Richard - The Elms Gardening Volunteer

01 September 2023

Meet Richard - a gardening volunteer at The Elms who helps to maintain the garden & provide an enjoyable space for staff & people we support to enjoy

Healthy Eating Workshop

Healthy Eating Workshop

23 August 2023

Thanks to Bury People First for running this great event!

Festival at The Elms

Festival at The Elms

16 August 2023

The bunting has gone up for this year's summer festival!

When did you last have a drink?

When did you last have a drink?

10 August 2023

Staying hydrated with 6-8 drinks a day is important for all of us and in older people it can prevent delirium too.

Our New Holiday Lodge

Our New Holiday Lodge

18 July 2023

Our Persona Your Voice Committee takes the lead on finding the perfect holiday lodge location and designing the lodge to meet the needs of everyone.

It's All About Wellbeing

It's All About Wellbeing

18 July 2023

As part of our Mental Health themed quarter, lead champion, Mo Arthur, arranged a Healthy Minds session to develop knowledge on mental health.

Persona Friendship's Canal Cruise Trip

Persona Friendship's Canal Cruise Trip

18 July 2023

Organised by Supported Living, our Persona Friendship group enjoyed a day trip to Barton Grange Garden Centre and a canal cruise with fish & chips.