Bury Shared Lives, which is managed by Persona, is a unique scheme that offers tailor made support to adults within the Bury area.
Click on the areas below to find out more about the different types of placements and opportunities available for people from all walks of life to become Shared Lives carers and about how you can use the scheme if you would like support.
Find details of Shared Lives' CQC report here and read our brochure here.
If you'd like more information about Shared Lives, or you're interested in becoming a Shared Lives carer, please contact our friendly team by email, by phone or use the contact forms below:
Our monthly drop-in sessions are open to everyone from 11am to 3pm; people we support, Shared Lives carers and anyone who'd like to know more about the scheme.
They are your opportunity to
Click here for all the dates.
If you have any questions, please use the contact form link above to get in touch.
Meet the Bury Shared Lives team - click here!