Watch our video for the answers to the questions below:


0.00 - What different services does Bury Shared Lives provide?
0:32 - Do I need any experience or qualifications to become a carer?
0:58 - How much would I get paid?
1:06 - What support would I get before I start and after I become a carer?
1:34 - How long does induction take? How before I start supporting people?

What can Shared Lives offer carers?

What's it like to be a Shared Lives Carer?


What's a day support role like and how flexible is it?


Edrina explains more about her day support roles in detail here.


Have we missed anything? Click here to email or call us to let us know.

To enquire about getting support from Shared Lives, click here.

To enquire about becoming a Shared Lives carer, click here.


To find out more about what it's like to be a Shared Lives carer click here to read our selection of case studies.

Find out more about being a Shared Lives carer on the Shared Lives Plus website here.

Go to our main page here.