Being able to reflect is a key skill for anyone who works in care; no-one is perfect and we all have things we can learn and improve. We can only do this if we are able to take an objective look at how we behave and we can recognise what we do well and where we find something more of a challenge.
It’s very rare that someone is 100% good at something or 100% bad at something else. It’s more likely that we have good days and bad days. For that reason it’s important to regularly check-in on how you are living the values, recognising when you do this well and where you can develop.
Feedback you get from others through supervision, appraisal and High 5 can be really helpful in recognising the things you do really well. But it’s equally powerful to complete your own regular reflection to think about when you are living the values and when you are not.
When you are living the values or you see someone else living them – remember to recognise this and celebrate it. Everyone likes to know when they are getting it right and we thrive from feeling that little bit of success.
Equally, there are times when we all fall down a little on one or more of the values but if no-one tells us, or we don’t recognise it ourselves, then we can’t learn and put it right for next time.
Balance your caring and honest values in making sure you speak up and give the chance for that improvement to take place in those around you and show your enthusiastic and caring values by taking time to point out the successes you see too.