Rebecca - on finding a job she loves

Posted on
01 November 2019

We recently celebrated Rebecca, who got a full time job with See Ability. Three months on we caught up with her again to see how she’s getting on.

The answer is, she's is thriving. We spent the morning with her and her support worker and by the end of it, we were in awe of them both and felt as though we had learnt something about ourselves.


Rebecca has shown terrific determination and character over the past two years, during her quest to get full time work. She was quick to realise that college was not for her, so week after week she would go to the job centre in the hope of finding work until finally, she found See Ability. 

See Ability is a charity that provides support, accommodation and eye care for people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss and Rebecca is now their Eye Care Champion for the whole of the North West.

Working with See Ability came with challenges; Rebecca would sometimes be late and found that sometimes, tasks given to her didn’t make sense. 

A collaboration was needed and Suzanna from Kennedy Scott came to Rebecca’s aid alongside her support worker, to break down Rebecca’s day into manageable chunks so that she didn’t get overwhelmed, which causes her anxiety. Suzanna was also there when anxiety did strike, going through any issues visually, breaking them down to look at them separately and coming up with actions to sort them out. In this way, it quickly dawned on Rebecca that something that once looked like a mountain, was now a mole hill and she could do what she needed to. Her confidence has also blossomed; she’s now comfortable saying ‘No, sorry, I don’t understand that.’, and she knows that it’s okay to ask questions because she wants to be the best.

Getting to work on time can be an issue for anyone. Anxiety and stress can be an issue for anyone. Not understanding things can happen to anyone. Can Rebecca do the job? Yes! She may have a disability but that doesn’t stop her. She is passionate about her work and that showed when she previewed a talk that she will soon be doing in public. Her support team (Supported Living at Persona and Suzanna from Kennedy Scott) smile at what they have supported Rebecca to achieve: helping her find her dream, full time job, improving her confidence and giving her coping mechanisms for when she feels overwhelmed.

Watch out world! Here comes Rebecca and we couldn’t be prouder.


Find out how Rebecca has been doing working from home during Covid-19


To find out more about SeeAbility, visit their website here.

Read more of our case studies - click here.

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