When Sarisa got her first invitation for cervical screening (a smear test), she talked to her Shared Lives Carer, Jo, but felt upset and said she did not want to do it. As each reminder letter came, they talked about it again.
Sarisa read a helpful Easy Read guide and she also talked to staff at her day service, her Learning Disability Nurse and her Practice Nurse. A year after her first invitation, Sarisa decided to book her smear test. The Practice Nurse booked a double appointment so she wouldn't feel rushed and Jo went with her.
Sarisa says
' I felt scared and nervous about having the test done, but I wanted it out of the way. It's about cancer and I didn't want to get that. I was happy Jo was there with me and when it was over I was glad. I just felt a bit uncomfortable afterwards. I think it is good for other people my age to get it done. I don’t think people should go on their own but have their parent or carer there as well. Having it done can show if you might have cancer below. I showed my foster sister the leaflet so she will know what will happen when she has her test.'
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