What is Co-Production?
The Care Act defines co-production as:
'When you as an individual influence the support and services you receive, or when groups of people get together to influence the way that services are designed, commissioned and delivered'.
Click here to read our co-production charter
The charter says how Persona works with people we support
Click here for the easy read
The approach of Co-Production is important as it enables us to work together on an equal basis to create an environment were everyone's needs are met and to a satisfactory standard for all involved. It enables us to hear one another and find shared solutions, whilst taking everyone's perspectives into account.
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We know we are on a journey with this; sometimes we will do it better than others. Most of the time we will succeed in reaching the ‘Doing for’ rungs of the ladder but we want to challenge ourselves further to try and reach the ‘Doing with’ rungs.
Achieving co-production is something we strive for because we know that support which puts people at the centre not only of delivery but of design, achieves the best outcomes.