The Persona Your Voice Committee has now launched and it is fabulous to meet people who are part of our different services and to bring them together quarterly to hear their thoughts on a range of topics and the feedback from their service committees.
These meetings started in 2022 and they provide a place for people to share their views and feedback to help us make improvements and develop to be fit for the future.
Why was Persona Your Voice set up?
There is always room for improvement and we wanted to create a way where some of the changes we make can be co-produced by the people we support. Each service has set up their own service committee and these then inform the overarching Persona Your Voice Committee which meets quarterly.
One of the main feedback areas for the first session was language/labelling. People provided feedback on what the overarching committee should be called and also had a great debate around their preferences for how we refer to people who use our services. As you can imagine, with so many vibrant personalities in the discussion – one size doesn’t fit all. But that’s the point! There wasn’t a consensus for any name in particular but hearing the debate play out brought out two really important underpinning themes; Respect and Inclusivity. Whatever we call the Service Committees, the overarching committee, or however we refer to groups or to individual people, ensure that it feels respectful to those involved.
We talk to service committees in advance to decide what topics we should discuss next and our Persona Your Voice Committee meetings take place every three months.
The Person Your Voice Committee is chaired by the Chair of the Persona Board, Tony Hunter, who reflected on the first meeting with the following comment:
"As Persona’s chair, I’ve managed to meet some of our customers and staff but – especially with covid – nowhere near enough so it was such a pleasure to be at this event. Working all together as we did, bringing together experiences and learning on how we engage our customers in such diverse settings across our organisation was stimulating and we had fun as well! Thank you everyone and roll on the meetings!"
Click here to go back to our Co-Production page and to learn more about the changes the committee has been involved in.