Losing someone you love or care for can be a lonely time. When you lose someone you care about at work, it can be devastating too, but we often feel we don't have the right to feel grief for a customer or colleague; that it doesn't belong to us and it's 'not as important' as losing a close relative, for example, but that's not the case.
Everyone's feelings of grief are valid and there is support available to help you through it.
People around you will want to support you too, but sometimes it's hard to talk about how you're feeling.
If you work with someone who's been bereaved, you might not know how to support them. Share your stories and experiences - it creates space for other people to talk about theirs and support each other. Scroll down for ideas on how to do this.
You can find resources to support you with conversations about death and dying, all available in Easy Read too, here.
Talking about grief with people who are bereaved & when you are bereaved
With people who are bereaved
It can be hard to know what to say to someone who's grieving, but this is when they most need your support. Want to know what to say to support someone?
Dying Matters have shared some tips about compassionate superpowers that can help you see where your strengths are and how you can enhance each one. The superpowers are:
- listening attentively
- responding mindfully
- being observant
- managing silence
- respecting emotions
- considering perspectives
Click here to download the cards.
This poster can help - it's based on the book "Listen. How to find the words for tender conversations " by Kathryn Mannix and you can just download it to read or screenshot, or you can print it off.
When you are bereaved
You might find it helpful to share the above poster with people around you.
Some people find the 'ball in the box' analogy helpful to talk about their feelings of grief. It can give you a helpful shorthand to share with the people around you and it also helps you to accept your feelings. You will have bad days, but the ball in the box won't always be the same size and tomorrow might be better.
Click here to find out more on a printable A4 poster.
Joanne has shared her experiences of using the 'ball in the box' after her father died; you can read her story here.
Take a look at the Reading Well books on prescription for coping with grief here.
Support with grief
Bury Hospice hosts regular drop in sessions to suit different people - take a look here.
AtaLoss signpposts bereaved people to find support and wellbeing, including a free webchat, GriefChat, which runs Monday to Friday.
Cruse has a telephone helpline and an online chat service if you don't want to talk.
The Cruse helpline is open every day - just call 0800 808 1677
Regular Opening Hours
Monday: 9.30am-5pm
Tuesday: 9.30am-8pm
Wednesday: 9.30am-8pm
Thursday: 9.30am-8pm
Friday: 9.30am-5pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am -2pm
If you need support outside of these hours, take a look at some of the other resources on the hub, including Your Care from Vivup and Samaritans.
Click here to go to the online chat with a Cruse GriefChat bereavement cousellor.
This service is available Monday - Friday, 9am - 9pm.
Talk to trained staff and counsellors who are experts in bereavement, grief and trauma. provided by Hospice UK and Just B. Call 0300 303 4434 free, 8am to 8pm 7 days a week.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide - get support by phone, email or join a local support group.
Get support for grieving for a child of any age from Child Bereavement UK.
Get bereavement guides from the National Autistic Society for autistic adults, parents and carers and for professionals here.
There are also local support groups in Lancashire and Manchester - click here for more details or visit the Greater Manchester Bereavement Service here.
Click here to log into Your Care from Vivup, your wellbeing support programme - to talk to a trained counsellor
This service is totally confidential (the whole of Persona shares the same login) and nothing is reported back to your manager.
Click here for a poster that lists books about grief and bereavement, from Dying Matters.