Tips & Ideas


Click on each of these for posters on:

Six steps if your'e feeling stressed about your finances

Keeping your finances healthy


5 tips to help improve your financial wellbeing from Health@Work - article

Money Saving Expert have produced a free mental health and debt guide to support both people who are in debt and those supporting people with mental health problems who are in debt. You can read it here.

To help you save money


Cost of Living Resources: money saving tips, shared by Persona staff. Links to a page you can share with friends and family too.

Vivup staff benefits: vouchers and discounts on the high street, in supermarkets and more.

BEESMART with Manchester Credit Union:  Christmas & Junior saver accounts & more.

Blue Light Card Scheme (discount service for the emergency services, NHS, social care sector, and armed forces) - you buy a card that lasts 2 years for £5 that entitles you to all sorts of discounts with a range of companies.

Get support now


Your Care from Vivup offers Ask Bill and Angel Advance money and debt support

Government benefits

CAP - free. local, confidential advice

Money Advice Helpline

Care Workers Charity (including how to apply for a crisis grant)

Citizens Advice

Step Change

Martin Lewis

and you can get advice on scams here.