Dying Matters Awareness Week 2021

Posted on
10 May 2021

There is no right or wrong place to die; it will be different for everyone. But it is important for families to think about it, to talk about it and to plan for it. We want people of all ages to be in a good place when they die – physically, emotionally and with the right care in place. Make sure that you and your loved ones are in a good place to die.


Conversations about dying with people that you love can be difficult, but www.dyingmatters.org wants this to be open and without fear. Subjects you might need to talk about are:

  • The type of care you’d like towards the end of your life
  • Where you’d like to die
  • How long you want doctors to be treating you
  • Funeral arrangements
  • Your will
  • Care of dependents – children or parents, for example
  • Organ donation
  • How you’d like to remembered
  • Worries you’d like to discuss about being ill and dying
  • What you’d like people to know before you die
  • How you feel about people


Over the years, we have had many examples of how our staff have gone above and beyond for customers during their end of life care. Recently, Elmhurst Manager Ruth was very proud of Vicki Roberts, who provided end of live care for a lady by doing the 'little things' which brought the woman comfort and joy. 


Another example is from 2018 and the winners of the Dignity Award at the annual PersonAwards, the Supported Living team. A lady living with Down Syndrome and Dementia was given respect, dignity and a person centred approach to her end of life care, much as the team had done during the 20 previous years of supporting her at home. Despite only one of the team having previous end of life care experience at that time, the team 'stepped up to the plate'. They put what they knew into practice and worked in close conjunction with the lady's family and with colleagues from the district nursing, palliative care and occupational therapy teams, in order to ensure that the level of care that the lady received was the highest quality and centred around her individual needs at all times. She passed away with her family around her at home.



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