We have a brand-new accessible vehicle to provide more transport options to people we support. Lizzie Coltman, head of care, has answered some questions as to why we believe this was an important purchase.
Why have you got a new vehicle for Extra Care?
Night provision at extra care has changed and there is now an expectation for staff to travel between extra care sites with lifting equipment, in emergency response situations. We felt that a vehicle would be beneficial and make it easier for staff completing this duty.
Why is it important for it to be accessible?
The decision was made to purchase an accessible vehicle so that all services within Persona could benefit from its use during the daytime when the vehicle is not needed for emergency responses. The vehicle being accessible means that more people we support across Persona can make use of it.
What is the purpose of the vehicle?
The vehicle is to be based at Peachment Place between the hours of 21:30 and 08:30 to support the night staff to carry out their duties across Extra Care. During the day 08:30 – 21:30 the vehicle can be used for people we support to access days out, appointments or other things that are meaningful to them. The vehicle is to be driven by Persona staff only and they must hold a UK driving licence.
How do you hope this will impact/improve the service?
We hope the vehicle will enable people we support across Persona to access events in the community and enjoy days out. We also hope that it will aid the nightcare provision to be more effective.
Have you seen any impact yet?
The vehicle so far has only been used twice in a nighttime situation, this has gone smoothly with the transportation of the lifting equipment being a success.
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