Helping our First Fusiliers one shoe box at a time

Posted on
09 January 2024

The First Fusiliers are currently deployed on operations for 6 months. Jill Rhoden's, customer relations coordinator at Elmhurst, son Josh is a First Fusilier and receives many goodie boxes from Jill, his sister and his partner and has said: "I can’t explain the feeling you get when you get a box and the smile that comes on your face. Knowing that you might have a packet of crisps or biscuits to put in your locker or to share things with others is priceless." Unfortunately, after messaging Josh, Jill came to learn that there were people who weren't as lucky and never received any goodie boxes with the simple comforts from home.

This is when Jill and all at Elmhurst became inspired to create and send the Fusiliers as many goodie boxes as they could. Word spread fast about Elmhurst’s goal between staff, people we support, their families and friends and donations came in thick and fast. We received donations from Radcliffe Thunder under 7's football club, who donated two boxes of goodies, a team photo and endless jokes to keep soldiers amused.

Also, Mr & Mrs Geredzi, who made a welcome donation of shower gels, deodrants, toothbrushes, toothpaste and playing cards. 

The hardest part? Preparing the boxes... sorting each item by both size and weight to be sure they fitted in the box and didn’t make it too heavy, wrapping the items then labelling them and finally, filling in customs declaration forms for each box. Thankfully, people we support stepped up and flew through the challenge of picking and packing the goodies.

In total, 20 goodie boxes were posted, 5 of which were specially for female First Fusiliers, and all included a handwritten message with good wishes from Elmhurst and Persona.

Mission accomplished - well done Elmhurst!! 

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