Edrina helps out @MeetTheSharers

Posted on
29 July 2021

As part of the celebrations for Shared Lives Week, Shared Lives Plus asked for volunteers from schemes across the UK to take over their social media channels for a week and show what everyday life is like for people involved in Shared Lives.

We asked Edrina if she’d like to share the Jones family’s week; they always have a lot of fun stuff planned. Happily for us, she agreed and took over for a week in July.

The Jones family are Joanna and her daughter Edrina who are both Bury Shared Lives carers and Jessica and Trina, who live with Joanna and Edrina on long term placements.

As well as studying for a postgraduate degree, Edrina also provides day care for Bury Shared Lives ‘I do four hours a week and that gives me the opportunity to get out and support someone, so I'm doing a really good thing, I'm learning myself and I've still got time to study and yeah, so it's just really flexible’, she told us.


During the week, we found out about Trina’s and Jessica’s music taste and what sorts of activities a regular week involves for everyone. We were also introduced to the fifth member of the household, Jess the dog, who featured after a very fetching haircut. Edrina also got some help from Jessica, getting ready for work and everyone enjoyed the football and spending some time in the garden.



We were sorry when their week came to an end and we’d like to say a huge thank you to the whole family for letting us know what they got up to during the week and for showing us, yet again, how much fun they have together.

The share is still in full swing, with a new family taking over each week – follow them on Twitter now at @MeetTheSharers

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