January 2025
What a journey this role has been. I have now been the Digital Ambassador for over a year and I have been enjoying it. I find this role a great opportunity although in all honesty I have found it difficult to find the best way of doing it.
I have been exposed to a lot of new opportunities in attending meetings with various services such as Shared lives and Elmhurst who both work differently to myself in day services, but it has given me an insight into the amazing work they do with people we support. I have also been able to try to find solutions through tech to some of the challenges they face in their roles and in how they provide care.
I have also been able to help Persona colleagues with their tech issues such accessing payslips, finding solutions to internet issues by downloading things for offline viewing and giving advice on certain digital issues.
In my day-to-day role I have been able to use tech to support people we support too. I was able to talk to someone we support who didn’t use English as a first language with an app that translates between English and Chinese - this seemed to ease the transition for them. I am also hoping to work towards providing an easy to access and use Makaton resource for staff to use.
I am also learning a little more about Everyday - the new rota management system being launched this year (being rolled out by April 2025). From the small amount I have seen, it looks like it will be a massive improvement and make current practices much more streamlined especially around staff’s time management (holidays, over-time, shift cover) and it will be easy to people to use too. Once the system is live, there will be no more need for staff to complete paper timesheets!
I am always looking for people who have questions about technology and although I may not always have the answers, I am always happy to go away and do further research to provide answers. I will always try to show anyone solutions to any topic raised to equip people with the necessary information and skills to combat challenges in the future, as well as advancing my own knowledge in the process.
If you think of anything in services where there may be a digital solution, please do contact me, we are always keen to explore how technology can enable and enhance people’s lives.
2025 feels like a year of exciting new things in the area of technology and care and I look forward to everything this year has to offer.
As always, any questions, advice, enquiries please feel free to email me via Michael.moore@personasupport.org or call or text me on: 07356 121 319
Staff can click on these links to log into the intranet and read more about Everyday, Care Control and Digital Champions which are both on the Staff Information page (along with loads more!).
Missed a blog article? Staff can log into the intranet and read them all here.
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