The Virtual Dementia Tour from Training2Care has visited Grundy Hub and our colleagues found it powerful and insightful.
This mobile dementia simulator has been designed to let people with a healthy brain experience what it's like to live with dementia. Developing a fresh awareness of this in real time means we can see what simple changes can be made to how we care for people living with dementia and what we can do to make our services more dementia friendly.
People who attended the training said:
Very insightful
The bus was really good and interactive - a massive eye opener and a small snippet into the world of a person living with dementia.
I learnt some new things.
It was good to experience how people living with dementia can feel.
I took away some useful things that will now be put into practice.
An emotional and very touching experience.
I definitely recommend it to others who support people living with dementia
I could tell the trainer was passionate about educating people on how best to support others living with dementia; one size doesn't fit all.
It raised my awareness.
The Pinfold Suite at Grundy Hub has been designed to support people living with dementia. Find out how we put people at the heart of Pinfold here.
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